AttackTreeModel, Simulate, Defend


Create New

You can choose either to start with a blank model or receive suggestions for attack goals by providing a few details about the target.

Contents of proposals can be customized in both the Custom SaaS and Self-Hosted editions.


Choose Template

Choose an attack tree template as a starting point, or include subtrees and their controls in your model.

Templates, subtrees, and security controls can be customized in both the Custom SaaS and Self-Hosted editions.


Open Existing

Open an existing attack tree file. You can also drag and drop the model file here.

Do you prefer a stateful backend? Secure integration of models with both local backends and Git repositories is available in the Custom SaaS and Self-Hosted editions.


Introduction & Training

Discover the Art of Agile Threat Modeling

Join our workshop and model your solution's attack tree. This training guides you in creating a customized threat model with security controls, specifically tailored to your solution's security needs. With different simulation types you will learn how to asses the current risk and define a multi-step prioritized roadmap. Benefit from hands-on assistance and expert insights.


Custom SaaS or Self-Hosted

Tailored Solutions for Enhanced Threat Modeling

These editions come with extensive customization options, including adaptable wizards, feeds of specialized proposal templates (e.g., Cloud, Web, APIs, Container), and flexible backend integrations (JIRA, Git, local persistence), all tailored to your organization's needs. Plus, an optional AI integration streamlines the creation and refinement of threat models, boosting effectiveness.